Holy Family Artesia

This is the unofficial site of Holy Family Church in Artesia, California. Its purpose to share photos of church activities taken by a parishioner and to serve as an information source for the RCIA class, especially info on when and what time is the next dismissal. The official site is here: http://holyfamilyartesia.org/

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

HFA: Kiddie Christmas Pageant, December 18, 2005

RCIA: Dismissal & Christmas Party, December 18, 2005

One year ago: RCIA: Christmas Party, 2004

Click here for this year's album of RCIA Christmas Party pictures!

URL is: http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/ppilgrim3/album?.dir=5ede&.src

A sampler of photos:

Monday, December 12, 2005

RCIA: Class on The Church & Signs of the Church:

RCIA Lessons: Christmas Carol Game (a pictorial version of "Name that Tune." The Catholic Church & Signs of the Church by Bishop Wuerhl. Class discussion led by Phil, Evelyn and Mila. 2 cents thrown in by Terry & Darlyne. Lively class discussion on church issues and scandals.

Food: Thank you to Curie for the Food of the Gods dessert and Terry for the teriyaki chicken and sesame crackers.

Team members: Phil, Evelyn, Mila, Curie, Terry & Darlyne


Christmas Party after next Sunday's dismissal: Don't forget your $5 gift or white elephant gift exchange, your food (see previous post) and your Christmas spirit.

SIMBANG GABI (Nine-day Advent Mass Celebration): You are invited to attend this oldest of the Filipino community's tradition from Thursday, December 15 to Friday, December 23. It is at 5:30 AM, yes you read right. That's 5:30 in the morning! After Mass, you are invited to fellowship in the parish hall.

It was adopted from the Catholic Misa de Gallo, which literally means mass of the rooster, to indicate it is held at dawn when the rooster crows. But are roosters awake at 5:30?

>> Read up on this tradition.

Next dismissal: 9:30 AM Sunday Mass, December 19, 2005. Be at the front of the church no later than 9:15.

Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Monday, December 05, 2005

RCIA: Holy Trinity, Mila's Birthday, Announcements, Next Dismissal

RCIA Lessons: Holy Trinity by Bishop Wuerhl and writing of Intentions.

Food: Thank you to Rosina for preparing the huge panful of delicious home-made chow mein and Hawaiian Meatballs. Thank you to Rosina and Bonnie for bringing Mila's birthday cakes.

Team members: Rudy and Mila, Bonnie, Curie, Jennifer, Terry & Darlyne


1. Attendance for Dismissals and Monday classes are mandatory. Must have a note from doctor if miss is due to health reasons.

2. Christmas Party is on December 18, 2005 after the 9:30 Mass Dismissal. Each attendee is to bring a white elephant or $5 exchange gift. Your family is invited.

Please bring a dish enough for 10-15 people.

* Last name starting with A-D: Salad
* Last name starting with E-M: Main Entree - chicken or casserole
* Last name starting with N-R: Two 6-packs of canned soda
* Last name starting with S-Z: Dessert or Appetizers

3. Congratulations to the Spence Family! They just welcomed baby boy Evan (pronounced ee-vahn]last Sunday.


1. Next dismissal: This Sunday's 9:30 AM Mass.

2. This Thursday, December 8, 2005 is one of the few holy days of obligation. Masses are Wednesday, December 7, at 6:30 pm and on Thursday at 8:00 am and 6:30 pm.

Put another candle on the birthday cake for the birthday girl! Mila is a walking miracle. Ever youthful, this December baby will never lose her sweetness, nor her delightful, girlish charm.

A man named Hervey Allen said: "To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent that is to triumph over old age." This means Mila's heart is as smooth as a baby's bottom.

At the break, Terry brings out the cake with candles a-blazin'.

"Happy birthday, dear Mila, happy birthday to you!" Mila was born in the year Lord-only-knows.

Mila makes a wish and blows out all the candles.

Mila with her second birthday cake. She hopes that all present will be at her funeral. Huh? Mila,statistics show that the people who have the most birthdays live the longest.

Mila says, "Now if that sounded morbid, it's not. It's a fact of life, every year, we're closer to Heaven!" She made another wish and once again blew out all the candles.

Terry says we'll be sure to be there, so St. Mila will pray for us. We love you, Mila and Rudy! Rudy is that diplomat of a husband who always remembers his wife's birthday (this year with a beautiful ring) but never remembers her age.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine upon you. And be gracious unto you." ~Numbers 6:24-25

>> One Year Ago: RCIA: Happy Birthday, Mila! & Sunday Breakfast
>> One Year Ago: RCIA: Celebrating Mila's Birthday, One More Time!

RCIA: 2005-2006

>> More photos: Monday, 21-Nov-05: RCIA CLASS of 2006: Lessons on Advent & Thanksgiving Dinner

>> More photos: Saturday, 22-Oct-2005: RCIA: Fund-raising + Fun-raising = RCIA's Barn Dance!

>> Summer 2005: RCIA TEAM'S RETREAT

5th post

4th post

3rd post

2nd post

First post

Be it known to all who enter here that God is the reason for this blog. He is the unseen Presence and Inspiration.